Saturday, April 4, 2015

Making a Celtic Cross Frame

The Magician's Daughter
Soft pastel on rag board
Presented in Celtic cross gold leaf frame with incised ornament
©2015 Merglenn Studios

The finished framework, which sold quickly during our first show of the 2015 spring tour. AB's painting seemed a perfect fit for a Celtic-themed frame. The frame is partly constructed using repurposed oak flooring from a Lutheran church parsonage in Worland, Wyoming. It is finished with gold leaf which I applied directly on the oak with minimal surface preparation to the wood in order to show the grain. The four oak pieces used for the cross were incised using a laser engraver.
Barrie designing the Celtic cross frame for The Magician's Daughter.

After cutting the top piece of the cross...

Cleaning up the curved edge...

Finishing the curved edge...

Checking for a good fit...