Monday, March 7, 2011


Now that we are on the road touring, we are delighted to present 10 new framed paintings to our spring 2011 art shows. Five of these new ones are part of AB's new series she calls War Portraits, and four of them feature United States Civil War subject matter in honour of our history and the sesquicentennial year of the War beginning. Included herewith are some from the War Portraits series, all copyright 2011 AB Word & Merglenn Studios.

War Portrait #6: Recruit

This artwork features the famous recruiting poster from 1921 in Barrie's frame of steel, weathered oak barnwood with red paint, and brass screws.

War Portraits #4 & # 7 features gold leaf and fumed oak frame with
hand carved columns and ionic order capitals.

This is my favourite image and frame combination and it shows what can be done with leftover pieces of wood. Frame features leopard, padauk, and macassar ebony wood and iron adornment.

War Portrait #5: Sparrows